Friday, May 12, 2006

Another day of bad choices

Well... eating badly yesterday was w-a-y easier than it had been the day before, and you know, I don't feel any better about it. Not emotionally, not physically, either. I haven't stepped on the scale. I should, but I'm afraid to. 3 days 'til Monday - I've gotta get this fat wagon turned around, and fast! I'm way off track.

Yesterday was the SAP Tea at school, it was nice. Scones, cookies, sandwiches with the crusts off... not a whole lot of easy good choices. I can only blame myself, though. No one put that food on my plate, in my mouth but me. Period. I chose badly. So now I forgive my momentary indiscretion, and move back in the right direction.

So... it's raining. I've got sewing to do - cards are do in the mail Monday. I'm 2 blocks behind for Marcia, and I have to get the Row Robin done by the end of the month as well. I'd hoped to have a top together for Duncan by the end of May too, but if that doesn't happen, well, life goes on. It's for Christmas, after all. Amanda's quilt came back from the quilter this week, I haven't even taken it out of the box.

But today, it's LASER TAG! (did that sound convincingly excited?) Instead of taking the DI team to Tennessee, we're turning them loose to shoot each other for an hour or so. That's a fair trade, no?

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