Thursday, November 16, 2006

What the hell?!

Vermont, 9:00 pm November 17th, one week before Thanksgiving. It's 70 freaking degrees outside! The "myth" of global warming? Here's your proof.


dee said...

I live on Long Island and I just wrote about this yesterday- it's weird...very weird-I'm still wearing my summer shirts. I know I'll be bitchin' about the cold any time so I should just be still. I really enjoy your sense of humor. Fun stuff& you table runner is beautiful.

France C. said...

That's just wrong. It snowed here last night and it's 36*.

Jules said...

It is in the 50's here in Georgia. It should be colder in Vermont than here.

Debra Dixon said...

We are still having weather in the high 80s here, which is a little warm even for Houston in November.

Rian said...

We are in the 70s here, which is way rare. Jim was in Los Angeles this week and said it was around 90. Ack.