Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tag, I'm it.

Michelle tagged me with this last night, and though I was certainlyt interested in replying right away, I just couldn't! You see, I have to come up with 5 things about me that are weird. Just 5?! How could I ever narrow it down? hee!

Okay, let's see.

#1. I think my feet are one of my most attractive features. Seriously! I've had people from doctors to teachers to little kids tell me how attarctive my feet are. Funny, no one's ever said that about my hands. Or my neck, though I once did have a stylist who said I had a beautifully shaped head.

#2. I transpose the numbers 4 and 5 all the time. Seriously ALL. THE. TIME. So often, in fact that the only 2 things I remember from highschool accounting is that if your total is off by a multiple of 9, you've transposed 2 digits (which sends me off in search of 4s and 5s) and also that all the numbers from 1 to 25 added together equal 625 and you can fool your teacher into believing you're really working if you do adding machine races with the kid one seat over. ;o)

#3. I love the smell of marigiolds, that of hyacinths makes me gag, and I can't grow a plant in the house to save my life. Outside? No problem.

#4. I prefer February to August, snow shovels to lawn mowers. I'm most definitely from Northern European stock.

#5. If I won the lottery, I'd honestly have no idea how to spend it all. My idea of domestic perfection is 2 chairs and hooks to hang them on the walls. I've said it before, I need those dear ladies and gentlemen at SabbathDay Lake to hold on a little longer, I'll be there as soon as no one here needs me to wipe his nose, "help find my homework! Please!!!", or balance the checkbook.


Jules said...

I thought you were buying the old house if you won the lottery.

Dorothy said...

Oh yeah! And an Airstream. Hmm, maybe I'm NOT as weird as I thought. Not likely.

Rian said...

Simple pleasures are the best.

Anonymous said...

I guess you and I are more alike than I thought.
I am convinced I was a Shaker in another life. I like the minimalist lifestyle. And I thought about buying an airstream years ago.
But I *do* know what I would do if I won the lottery. All my friends know I would start a scholarship program.