Monday, March 26, 2007

Bit of this, piece of that

Vicky asked a while back, to see the map panel I have. here you go. It's close to 4 feet wide. The plan is to quilt around at least the continents, perhaps the countries as well. Europe should be fun. ;o) I checked at Ben Franklin on the weekend to see if I could find something suitable for the back. No go, and I also noticed there was no more of this panel, either. Glad I grabbed it when I saw it!

And this is the progress, as of last night, on the fundraiser scarf. It's now about three feet long, I'll keep knitting 'til the wool (or time) runs out. I should explain what this is for - the kids in Tori's class are doing all sorts of things to raise money for their end of year trip to the Hulbert Outdoor Center. Several of the dads are organizing a car wash/bottle drive, a group of moms are planning a dinner/silent auction (or raffle) though they've been VERY quiet lately (makes me nervous), and two other moms have put together a 12 hour Rock(ing chair)-a-thon for this Saturday. Tori's got to go out and beat the bushes for sponsors tomorrow, she's up to about $2/hour. It's a start, but not much of one. ;o) I'm scheduled to chaperone from 10-2, I'll bring my knitting and try to ward off the motion sickness from watching 38 kids go back and forth, back and forth. This morning, I spent an hour or so with some of the team composing a solicitation letter to mail out to local businesses and organizations. As I explained to the kids, even a $10 donation is $10 less they have to work for. And it all helps. I think I'd really just write a check, but that's not the point, is it?

So, anyone want to sponsor a rocking chair athlete? ;o)


Anonymous said...

Sure,I'll be a sponsor.I'll top the $2 and make it $5/hr,ok? Thinking after 4 hours they'll have had it.
Love the map.why not plain muslin for the back? Will be lightweight for hanging.

QuiltingFitzy said...

I would have chumped out and quilted the longitude and latitude, lol.

We used to have map placemats, we'd take turns finding places no one else could find.

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Love the map. I got the US version, but I sure wish they had more of the world ones, that would be fun. And yes, quilting around the states was fun, so the world will be fun too. May have to get creative in Greenland!

Nicole & Phil said...

I had 2 of these I used for backing for a quilt I made for school as a fundraiser (the kids attend an international quite appropriate)
the other one I made up for our children, and added "Lost Ship" blocks around the map. This is great for when their daddy goes travelling for work, and they can see where he is!
I quilted longitude and easy to do, and then quilted around Australia, cause that is where we are from!

just me said...

Hey! I love the New (?) haircut, you look all modern and stuff! lol No seriously its looks great!!!

And I will do the Martha Stewart meme tomorrow,will need to put some thought into it! *smile*

I don't know who the sponsering a rockathon goes, but I can send the kids $20.00, will that help?