I handed over the photography job to Tori. I'm downloading the pictures right now, let's see what I got. This was Tori's choice: Front,
Pretty, yes?
It doesn't appear Tori got a picture of my choice. I'll watch the website when they post the winners and see if it shows up. I'll share a few more pictures, maybe tomorrow.
Somewhere, though, something got me thinking. This week I'm going to root through my batiks and see what I've got from gold to brown to brick red. I'm also going to cut some pink binding and finish up Crazy, then Bevins' quilt gets started. It's gonna maybe look a little like this. I think. 1 inch logs, black and those golden batiks in a simple Courthouse Steps construction. Let's see what happens.

I love this design you've worked up. I'm knee deep in my own log cabin, they are so fun to make.
Love the photo in the header!
the header looks great! Log cabins are just plain fun-that's my default pattern when I can't think of anything else or my brain hurts. What a good neighbor you are
I'm heading to Log Cabin land myself soon. I'm glad you saw Debra at VQF. She was hoping you'd come.
I love the log cabin design. It glows and moves.
Sorry the show wasn't more inspiring.
that about says it all.
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