Monday, April 07, 2008

Here we go

Blogger wasn't being cooperative this weekend (my dashboard wouldn't load?) but it's not really a big deal since I didn't have anything to say anyway.

I have no pictures of anything finished last week because I didn't finish anything. Well, Tori's sweater, but I already posted that. I'm plugging along on aprons (4 done but the topstitching, 2 more ready to cut, and fabric waiting to be pressed for 3 more.)

Margaret emailed to say she had Saraswati loaded on the frame and had begun quilting, so that'll be back soon. Sea of China went out a few weeks later, so I expect it back early May.

The yard is still frozen hard where it's not snow covered. So no garden to report, except maybe this.

This bed is part of the patio project we did last summer. It's snug up against the garage, southwest facing so it gets sun all afternoon. The soil is warming and the sprouts are popping; I think there will be a dramatic difference by next weekend. Forecast is for 50s all week which should get rid of the last of the white hell and replace it, heh, with mud. yay.

1 comment:

Tracey in CT said...

But mud season is so much fun!!! LOL. Where else can you drive your car sliding all over the road? Its like an amusement park ride! hahaha.