Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday Foodie Flashback

(picture is a clickable link to Cafe Chocolada - site of many, many beautiful recipes. Love the piggies!)

I'm not going to make any comment about the above shown Polenta Pie. My flashback was to what it was immediately replaced with in my mind's eye.

My mom made this. Once. I'm guessing it was supposed to be some hip 70s take on Scotch Eggs. Unfortunately, having your cyclops meatloaf stare back at you from your plate doesn't make it any easier to eat. And ketchup just makes it worse.

This probably does explain (a little) our new Groundhog Day tradition, though.


Tanya Brown said...

Cyclops meatloaf - that was good for a belly laugh!

May I recommend James Lileks' "The Gallery of Regrettable Food"?

Rian said...

I was never a fan of that hard-boiled egg in meat thing to begin with, but that polenta pie looks ghastly! I second Tanya's recommendation for You will laugh yourself straightaway into wet pants.

Sheri said...

My family love boiled egge and would probably like it. But staring at one out of a meat loaf is a liitle unsettling.

julieQ said...

Ok...I have never seen that before! It does look like Cyclops!! But I bet it tasted good!

John Mutford said...

I only first heard of/ tried Scotch eggs this past Christmas. The whole concept stills seems bizarre. Tasty, but in one of those "I'm not sure if I like this" sort of ways.