Monday, December 22, 2008

Fourth file, fourth picture

There's a photo "challenge" of sorts in the blogosphere just now - take the fourth picture from your fourth photo file and post it with a explanation (or not?) Since I organize my photos in iPhoto, and iPhoto arranges them chronologically into events, and also since I haven't made the effort to correct the date on many of my earlier photos (all loaded at once when I switched to this iPhoto method) they aren't in proper order. And I'm deeply, DEEPLY disturbed by that. not. Anyhoo, here you go. Wee Daniel and his pretty little big sister, autumn 2003. I love this picture.

1 comment:

dee said...

It's so sweet to look back at those old shots. Well, in this case, not so old. Where does the time go. My "baby" just got engaged.