Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh my.

I wasn't going to post a flashback today - nothing came to mind, and I didn't feel like scanning any of the oldsters, or rooting through embarrassing pictures of my childhood (not that I have any reservation about sharing those, seriously I will.) I was just going to let today pass, flashback free.

And then this popped up in my RSS reader.
I don't know why, but my dad loved this song, and reading the title of Zan's post started him singing in my head.


Greg said...

Umm Where can I get a suit like that? and whats with the guy shaking the organ near the end?

Lorchen said...

Dorothy, I used to play that instrument as a child, and this song was one of the first I was taught to play..... About 50 years ago in Germany.

Lorchen (in the UK)