Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Conifer Seed Bug

I hate you. Seriously.


Greg said...

I hope you're talking about the bug cuz I like you. Seriously.

dee said...

Ugh! Is that the bug that has infected so many trees here in NY. It eats the inside of the tree and hides really well until the tree is already dead and can't be helped? If so, there are a lot of them in and around Manhattan and they are moving east...eeeek

Dorothy said...

No, Dee those are a boarer of some sort, Emerald something...? Or the Asian Longhorn Beetle? Neither is in VT yet, I think. I hope.

These stupid things are also an introduced pest, and only this far east in the past 15 years. They stink when you touch them, and, heh, they can't swim.

Unknown said...

Get them over here as well. People say they stink when you squish 'em. I dunno - the smell reminds me of Granny Smith apples.