Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Well, hello Right Brain!

I forget how useful my analytical, regimented, MAKE A LIST left brain is at giving my right side an opportunity to play.  As soon as I recognized that I wanted to create, I gave myself permission to do it.  I created the time and space to make it happen.  I need to do that more.

Six years ago Tori packed all her worldly possessions (minus the multitude she didn't) into the back and middle and top of the green beast and moved herself to college.  She came home after Freshman year, went back in August, and really has not lived here since.  Last summer I moved all my fabric (minus the multitudes I didn't) into a drafty, noisy, cheap wonderful creative space where I happily sewed and sang and created my little heart out until such time as I was asked to quickly vacate (mid-February!) in favour of an actual paying tenant.  That was the deal, and fine.  Not happy, but it was wonderful while it lasted.  My intention was to just pick it up and move my space into Tori's room.  And about 3 weeks ago, that's what I did.  (see note above about forgetting to let my scheduler know I needed to do that.)  Is it the same?  Of course not!  No more drop in visitors and great accoustics and young padawans bearing lattées to escape the kitchen.  No worries.  It's good in a different way.

And tonight, I've put it to the test.

Works just fine.  (that's decaf, BTW.  No tempting the Awake gods)

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