Sunday, October 15, 2017


I found these very tiny succulents in my garden Saturday.  I don't know what they are, some sort of sedum, I suspect.  Maybe a volunteer, maybe a hitchhiker that caught a ride on something else I planted.  I love them!  I was busy with the fall cut down, rake out clean up and discovered these sweet babies in a weedy patch of dianthus.  I found a few others a foot or so away.  For scale those dead pine needles are about three inches long, they're teeny!  And I could have so easily raked them out without even noticing.

But I noticed.

It was the voice, the reminder to Slow Down.  And I did.  I made time to just be this weekend.  I sat beside water and drank coffee outside.  I weeded by hand and I spent some time contemplating the beauty of the ten million box elder bugs that have descended on out tiny town.  They're really very beautiful.  And abundant.

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