Friday, November 24, 2017

It's time.

I wrote these words four twelve years ago, on Thanksgiving 2005.

I'm thankful for so many things, where to start?

My sisters - the sister of my birth, and the sisters of my heart.
My husband. Even on the days he drives me completely insane, without him, I'm nothing.
My children.
My home. I hope I die here, I can't imagine ever living anywhere else.
Hot summers, wet springs, cold winters, breathtaking autumns. You can't have one without the o-o-o-thers.
My mother, who has, in the past 20 years demonstrated that for the first 20 years of my life, she actually DID know what she was talking about.

I'm thankful that I can feel pain, and that most days I don't.

I'm thankful I can see the misery and sadness in the world. Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power. If I can see a problem, maybe I can be a part of the solution.

I'm thankful to have, to be someone who has the means, most of the time, to help those who have not.

I'm thankful I have the power of words to convey a part of what is in my head accurately. Thank you for listening. 

And I wrote these the day after.

Yesterday was for the thanks, today, let the giving begin.

I propose, for myself and anyone who cares to join me, that the time between now and Christmas, the frantic, crabby, gotta-get-it-done (for what?!) 4 weeks become The 30 Days of Giving. Anonymous, selfless do unto others kind of giving. Fairy work if you like. Do something nice for yourself by doing something nice for someone else.

Much of this is still true.  Most of it.  Twelve years further on, I'm still very thankful for all that I have.  And I have to remind myself of that on the days with pain, and the days that seem like too much, on the days that being petty and gossipy and short with others are the easiest choice.

This year, I think I'm going to still be anonymous, mostly, but document some of the things here too.  Very few eyes land on these pages anymore, so I'll not reveal any of my secret deeds, but perhaps I'll inspire a few of the eyes who DO see this to kick ups their fairy work too.   Ready?  Go!

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